Route optimization can come in many different flavors, with many different constraints. There are two major classes of routing problems: basic vehicle routing and same-day pickup and delivery routing.

Basic vehicle routing – available at /vrp – is about finding the optimal routes for your fleet to serve all your visits.

However, if you run a same-day pickup and delivery operation, your visits will have 2 locations that depend on each other: a pickup location and a delivery location. For these kinds of routing problems you may use the /pdp endpoint.

The default endpoints work great if your requests are relatively small, and can be solved quickly. When we receive the POST request, we will respond immediately with the optimized routes.

For larger routing problems (requests with more than 60 visits) it is generally better to use long-running tasks, which are either /vrp-long or /pdp-long.


On the synchronous endpoints we will return a 408 timeout error if the request takes longer than 20 seconds. The synchronous endpoints should only be used for small and frequent route requests. It does not support the full algorithm capabilities. It is recommended to use the asynchronous endpoints by default.

These are the available endpoints: Vehicle Routing API task for VRP and Delivery API task for PDP