API Reference
API Reference

Routific Endpoints


The /optimize resource is meant for generating routes given a set of order and route constraints. Simply submit all of your orders along with route information and in response we will return a solution with orders assigned to routes in an optimal sequence.

/optimize/create use this endpoint to submit your optimization problem to Routific
/optimize/{{uuid}} use this endpoint to fetch the solution for the problem submitted previously


Subscribe with a webhook url and we will notify via API about events that happen on your account.


Webhook Configuration

To subscribe, please reach out to [email protected] with the url where you'd like to receive events.

Job Completion Event

The event gets triggered once we have found a solution to the problem submitted to the /optimize/create endpoint. This event is meant to be a push notification, so that you don't have to poll /optimize/{{uuid}} endpoint periodically to check the status.