API Reference
API Reference

The scheduledRoutes field is an array of optimized routes where each route is assigned a sequence of orders. Each of these routes also contain summary statistics like the driving time, total distance, etc.

    "routeSchedule": {
        "scheduledRoutes": [
          {scheduledRoute 1},
          {scheduledRoute 2},
          {scheduledRoute n}

The anatomy of scheduledRoutes object looks like this:

        "uuid": "3f2ba31c-e061-4e1a-82a2-d97a8396be66",
            "drivingTime": 6127,
            "distance": 41728,
            "stopsCount": 74,
            "active": true,
            "polyline": "otvvuAbscxkC~a@sb@...",
            "workingTime": 6327,
            "load": 100,
            "transportationMode": "car",
            "totalIdleTime": 0,
uuidString UuidAn internal unique identifier for the Routific engine
activeRouteSolutionObjectThis object outlines the details of Route
drivingTimeNumberTotal time expected to be spent by drivers driving to each location in the route, expressed in seconds
distanceNumberTotal distance expected to travelled by the driver of the route, expressed in meters
stopsCountNumberTotal number of stops that the driver needs to make as part of the route
polylineStringAn encoded polyline string representing the route a driver needs to take to complete the stops. Check out this article for more information on decoding polylines.
workingTimeNumberTotal time expected to be spent by the driver to service the entire route, expressed in seconds
loadNumberTotal load of all the packages that need to be delivered as part of the route
transportationModeStringMode of transportation used to calculate a solution for the route
totalIdleTimeNumberTotal time spent idling by the driver due to time-window restrictions of the orders, expressed in seconds
routeTimelineArray of ObjectsAn array representing the timeline of events in the route. The events are chronologically sequenced


Parsing the routeTimeline array

The routeTimeline field is an array representing a timeline of events for a given route. This timeline consists of four types of events that can take place within a route sequence for a driver.

leaving_start_location event indicates the time at which driver should being his route based on their start location.
delivering_stop event is used to identify the total time taken to service a given order
idling event indicates that the driver is simply waiting to deliver the next order due to time-window constraint
reaching_end_location event indicates the time at which the driver will finish his/her route and reach the end location, if applicable.