API Reference
API Reference

A GET request to the \orders endpoint with an orderIdin the request url allows you to query current details of an order within Routific. Here's a sample response payload for an orderId.

    "name": "Metro",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "16043215582",
    "load": 1,
    "duration": 600,
    "instructions": "Deliver at loading bay at the back of the building.",
    "createdOn": "2023-06-13T23:50:54.758Z",
    "isScheduled": false,
    "isCompleted": false,
    "uuid": "9a3e5d87-a448-4125-a165-2b8a689322ab",
    "displayOrderId": "external-1",
    "routificOrderNumber": "ORD-1655",
    "timeWindows": [
            "startTime": "09:00",
            "endTime": "10:00"
    "locations": [
            "address": "510 W 8th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1C5, Canada",
            "latitude": 49.26413,
            "longitude": -123.11499,
            "timezone": "America/Vancouver",
            "status": "Validated"
    "workspaceId": 1,
  	"status": "missed",
  	"deliveryMissedReason": "nobody home!",
  	"deliveryTime": "2023-06-14T23:50:54.758Z"

The body of the response payload consists of various properties and attributes related to an order entity. Here are a set of these fields that you can expect to receive as part of the response body, along with their description:

nameStringThis field can be used to identify customer's name for the order
locationsLocation objectLocations object allows you to specify an address and/or geo-coordinates of the delivery address. Only in the absence of geo-coordinate data, Routific will geocode the address string to find the latitude and longitude of the order location
phoneStringPhone number of the customer
emailStringEmail of the customer
durationNumberTime spent on location to serve the order to the customer
loadNumberA number used to account for how much of a route's capacity is utilized by the order
instructionsStringDelivery instructions for the order, such buzzer number, etc.
timeWindowsTimeWindow objectA time range within which the order must of serviced
displayOrderIdStringAn external order Id that can be assigned by the user to identify a specific order in a third party system.
createdOnStringDateTime field of when the order was created in Routific's system
isScheduledBooleanIndicates whether the order has been scheduled to route in Routific
isCompletedBooleanIndicates whether the order has been completed in the route sequence
uuidStringAn internal ID used to identify an order within Routific's system
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!